Monday 30 July 2012

Save the surprise

Well now we've got that other little event over...

Time for the real thing. We've haven't got her Maj doing a bit part as far as I know - but we've got most other things. Angels? Check. Animals? Check. Planets? Ok that's enough. Jude, the stage manager has told people to stop posting pictures and leaking info on Twitter etc from now on - so this blog has to be a bit tight-lipped so we don't spoil the surprise and we leave a few amazing things for the first audience to gasp at.

So if you're planning to come and see the show, let me just hint at a few things to look out for. I love the angels and their costumes, which I've seen in the sunshine of day and lit up at night. They spend quite a bit of time silhouetted against the arches of the abbey ruins and they look stunning. And I love the scene where the shepherds suddenly see the angels and the star and start whooping with amazement. Joseph, returning after fetching wood and seeing the baby for the first time: 'Mary, what sweet thing is that on thy knee?'

In the meantime, we're all knackered and some of us get grumpy with all the waiting around. I've told myself, it's more like being a film extra than being in a normal play. So the knitting and the crosswords are coming out. In fact, I've heard that one of the cast is knitting Ferdy (God/Jesus) a jumper. She's asked him to choose the style and colour and she's away! (I've heard she's doing one for Graeme (devil) as well. Suppose you can't leave him out just cos he's evil...)

Even Damian must be feeling a bit of stress - he's been the soul of patience and good humour throughout, but I heard him tell the line of gentle, well-behaved soldiers to get a move on: 'It's a slaughter, not a picnic!'

And if struggling cast members need a little inspiration, here's someone who made it good after appearing in the Mystery Plays. Judi Dench had to start somewhere.

Judi Dench performing in the York Mystery Plays
Not long to go now - we open on Thursday - well they do. The Potters have the first show and we have the last.

Monday 23 July 2012

'You're all responsible for your own socks!'

Janet, costume supremo, for York Mysteries 2012, speaks...

We don't argue - we wouldn't dare. We are all in awe of the work of the costume department.

Looking around at at the vast numbers of people and the detail of their costumes, we are completely bowled over. Anyone who had doubts about the concept of 40s/50s period dress at the start, has to agree - they look wonderful!

Here's my friend, Linda with her friend - looking like they've just scrubbed the step and are about to talk about 'er at number 37 '

What is impressing me so much about this production is that absolutely everyone is mucking in. When we finally get to do the tour of the stage for our Health and Safety briefing and to sort out our Red 11 entrances from our Yellow 2 exits - who should be knocking nails into the stage but Damian, the artistic director! He even looks the part in his high vis waistcoat. Later I spot Liz, the CEO of York Theatre Royal, carrying planks of wood across the backstage area... What next? God laying cables? It wouldn't surprise me.

It's tech rehearsal time and all seasoned actors whether pro or amateur, know what a pain that can be. Yesterday, all of us Carpenters were in costume by 6pm and finally got to make a brief entrance for 'Going to the Dogs' around 10pm. Thank God, it was a beautiful, sunny evening and we sat around on stone walls, gossiping, reading, doing crosswords, watching the skies darken and the shadows lengthen. We're a patient bunch.

Then we did it again and then we went home. Tonight, we're watching the Potters, with notebooks in hand. I'm looking forward to drinking in the spectacle and watching the angels dance.

Saturday 14 July 2012

The big tent

Sorry it's been so long!

First a long break, then four consecutive rehearsal nights, then the internet went down...

Now we're in the big tent - otherwise known as the rehearsal marquee.  This week we've been doing crowd scenes. I've learnt that there are four in Part One - the bit us reds and greens have been working on - but oh dear - there are eight in Part Two. So Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday went by in a bit of a rainy blur of aching legs, hasty scribbles and whispered remedies: 'Enter from Yellow 2, bustle about a bit and leave from Red 10'. Thanks to blue and yellow counterparts, Felicity and Julia for shoving me in the right direction on numerous occasions.

God and Satan - (Ferdy and Graham) - are really getting into their roles now. Whenever they have a moment's peace, they seem to be surrounded by a gaggle of teenage girls, eager for acting advice maybe - or possibly just drinking in a little borrowed fame and glory - and why not? The directors do lots of consulting, often with furrowed brow and probably the most frequent phrase is - 'No, we've changed that bit.' This leads to a certain amount of sighing in the ranks until Damian patiently explains; 'That's why we're rehearsing - to work on things until we get them right.'

Luckily, we haven't quite lost our sense of humour. On one of the many occasions that some of us can't remember or don't know which entrance to come in, Damian finally bellows: 'Okay! All the don't knows, come and stand over here in the naughty corner!' Suddenly, we're all laughing and everyone wants to be in the naughty corner.

And just when we might have forgotten what it's all about, we are escorted to see the site of the Mystery Plays 2012 taking shape. Here it is -  forget the Olympics - this is the real deal!