Wednesday 15 August 2012

Who's nicked the stones?

You can't have a stoning without stones.  And the umbrellas for the flood are running low...

The Potters have been let loose for a week and what do the Carpenters find when we get back? Shortages that's what. 

'Eee, just like the war'!' we say as we fold our arms and shake our turbaned heads. 'Stones on the ration, who'd have thought it?'  Never thought we'd have to bring our own stones to the stoning, comes to something etc etc... 

It's a shock to the system, being back onstage after a nine-day break and we're summoned early for lots of reminders. As I drive into the car-park, I catch a glimpse of Barabbas, eating an ice-cream and I'm back in a familiar world. After the forecast of  heavy showers, we're all delighted and relieved that it's a balmy summer evening. In fact it's humid - so much so that our green room tent is unbearably hot, so we sit outdoors on the ruins, gossiping and flapping away the midges.

It's a full house tonight and we're buoyed up by the great reviews we've had. Damian and Paul remind us to keep it fresh and immediate and not to let the pace flag. We have a reputation for being quicker than the Potters and we want to keep it that way. In the event, we finish at 11.05 - not bad after a gap in performances of over a week. Someone's opening a book on what time we'll finish on Sunday, after seven consecutive shows - anyone care to place a bet?

On a more serious note, I must give credit to the wonderful choir and band. The music sets the mood so well and gives texture to the show. Here's a link to some of their work in rehearsal. I particularly like the lament after the crucifixion, which you can hear on Choir 4 via this link. It's beautiful.

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