Monday 3 September 2012

It is now... (over that is)

It's true - Ferdie's lost the beard!

At the wrap party, we see a strange sight - a handsome, clean-shaven young man. Can it be? Yes - it's Ferdie!

Party in the gardens

 And now a week has gone by, the midge bites are starting to fade, the red tee shirt is folded away and I've deleted all the Directors' notes. It's bliss having time to do other things - but I miss the chats and the fun and the buzz. Looking back at the reviews and watching the amazing cinematic trailer again is good therapy. I miss the music too and can't wait to get my hands on the DVD.

I had been looking forward to the arrival of the printed text of the play together with production photos, which I'd ordered. But today comes a letter saying that for various reasons, this can't be done. Ah well. Time to move on as the politicians say. Mystery Plays 2012 - I've loved it. I'm proud to have been a part of such a phenomenal show and I hope to become a Friend of the Mystery Plays to help keep it all alive.

So to all who dreamed, planned, executed, performed or had any part in it - thank you. Until the next time!


  1. Yes - it is rather strange adjusting back to everyday life, where you no longer know everybody in the pub, and you have to call people by their real names instead of their role. I am now the proud owner, though, of a topiary diplodocus, sitting grandly in my front yard, to the bemusement of passers-by. It's a little reminder of a six months I'll never forget. Well, not that little. It's about eight foot high and six foot wide.

  2. Glad to see that someone else needs a daily dose of the trailer to help with the withdrawal symptoms!!! Oh yes and as for the diplodocus - well it could become a tourist attraction in it's own right. Just needs the right marketing strategy!
